Permission to post J. S. Mundy loco photo & text from: "The Manufacturer and Builder" - May, 1893 Copied from Cornell University Library online.gif Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 10:40:22 -0400 To: From: "Fiona Patrick" Subject: Fwd: MOA Query: Permission to Post Image & text. Dear David Thomas Cornell University Library is pleased to permit your use of images from our Making of America Digital Collection for the non-commercial purpose you describe. The permission for use of each image is one-time and non-exclusive, but you do not need to request permission for each instance of use so long as the purpose of usage remains the same. With each use in your site, please credit the Cornell University Library's Making of America Digital Collection and include a citation for the original publication in which the image was published. Example Credit Line: Courtesy of Cornell University Library, Making of America Digital Collection Sanborn, F.B. "The Portraits of Emerson." The New England Magazine. Volume 21, Issue 4, December 1896 pp. 449-469 Thank you for your request and best wishes with this endeavor. Regards, Fiona Patrick SenderName: David Thomas SenderEmail: Date: Sat Sep 20 22:25:28 EDT 2003 Subject: Permission to Post Image & text. Hello, I am the author and publisher of a historical Internet site on geared steam locomotives called Geared Steam Locomotive Works. It is located at: The site is of a nonprofit public education nature. I would like to obtain permission to post the image and accompanying text from the article entitled "Locomotive Hoisting Engine, with Friction Drum Attachment" located on your library's MOA site page at the address below: u/manu0025/&tif=00135.TIF&view=50&frames=1 With the posting, I will place a the original publication source and date of the article as well as a link back to the library's site along with any other text you require. This locomotive and text is of interest to me because it is the only known image and text on a geared locomotive built by this manufacturer. Thank you for your consideration. David Thomas - web author Geared Steam Locomotive Works Bryant, Arkansas