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Date Page Notes
Cole's Patent Pole Road Locomotive American Machinist April 12, 1884 5  
Miniature Locomotive American Railroad Journal September 4, 1869 1118 Grice & Long locomotive
Untitled Around Cranberry Lake 2019 50 Ryther & Pringle "pole road" locomotive.
Untitled Odensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Democrat, The July 23, 1891 1 Ryther & Pringle "pole road" locomotive.
Miller & Shaw Cambridge and Vicinity 1892 66 by Mercantile Publishing Company, Newark NJ
A Logging Locomotive Canada Lumberman, The July, 1889 6 Regarding the Robb Engineering Company's locomotive.
Pole Road Locomotive   Engineer, The March 12, 1886 214 We thank Chris Sundstrom for bringing this article to our attention.
Logging Locomotive   Engineering May 8, 1903 620 616
Regarding the Robb Engineering Company's locomotive.
Oil-Burning Contractor's Locomotive Develops High Traction Engineering Record July 3, 1915 32  
Pole Road Locomotive Locomotive Engineering August, 1899 377 We thank John Taubeneck of Seattle, Washington for bringing this article to our attention.
Hawkins & Cantrell's Steam Hoisting Engine Mining and Scientific Press September 11, 1875 166 Regarding a combination hoisting engine & geared locomotive built by Hawkins & Cantrell
We thank John Taubeneck of Seattle, Washington for contributing this article.
Logging Locomotive For Wooden Track Scientific American January 23, 1897 59 Regarding the Curtis Manufacturing Co. locomotive
Pole Roads and Locomotives Scientific American Supplement May 15, 1886 8,635 Regarding the Tanner & Delaney Engine Co.
Logging Locomotive For Wooden Track Wood-Worker, The February, 1897 28 Regarding the Curtis Manufacturing Co. locomotive



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