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< Baldwin Main

mn-4-t2.jpg (2573 bytes) Marysville & Northern #2 - b/n 40664  -  Arlington, Washington
Built 1913 - three trucks

Photo & specs. courtesy of Vance Bass of Small Scale Live Steam

cl-2-t.jpg (3123 bytes) Croft Lumber #4 - b/n 40668
Built 1913 - three trucks
BLW_1_cn41858-t150.JPG (4529 bytes) Baldwin Locomotive Works #1 - b/n 3779717d
Built for stock on 1/1915 - 36" drivers - 13" cylinder diameter - 16" stroke. 11d     More

Photo by Baldwin Locomotive Works - Provided courtesy of Christian Halpaap of  Hohenhameln-Bruendeln, Germany
Baldwin Locomotive Works #1 - b/n 3779717d
Built  for stock on 1/1915 - 36" drivers - 13" cylinder diameter - 16" stroke.11d

Photo & specs. courtesy of Vance Bass of Small Scale Live Steam
lr-t.jpg (3255 bytes) Leopoldina Railway #106 - b/n 41349 - Brazil
Built 1914 -  "meter" gauge - two trucks - piston valves

The  4th and final Climax "type" geared engine produced. Note the missing sand dome on the boiler.  A sand box was mounted in front of the lead axle of the front truck.
shay-t2.jpg (3106 bytes) 5th & final geared engine built. Built 1915  - b/n 41858 17d   Also it is not known if it was ever sold. It was the only Shay type geared engine Baldwin produced. Note the three cylinder heads in the large oval frame opening below the air compressor. The cylinders were mounted horizontally, perpendicular to the boiler and frame, beneath the boiler.  Like the Shay, the drive shaft ran along the right side (opposite from the pictured side).   Power was transferred to the geared wheels on the left-side (shown) via a system of beveled gears and jack shafts.  A maintenance nightmare???    


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Page changed: March 13, 2020 06:56:17 PM