Other Geared Steam Locomotives - New Additions

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   (In alphabetic order by builder name if known, by owner name if builder unknown)

Builder: H. K. Porter Company, Inc. ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Owner : Youngstown Iron & Steel Co. #3 (YIS) ~ Youngstown, Ohio.  
C/N ???? ~ built ???? ~ ??" gauge ~ ???? cylinders ~ ? tons

The locomotive is estimated to have weighed 3-5 tons.  YIS had at least one other Porter non-geared locomotive.   It's gauge was 56½".  
The photo is from the Rick Rowlands Collection
Data from Lawrence HargisPorter Steam Locomotive Roster
Builder: H. K. Porter Company, Inc. ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Owner : Venezuela Sugar Co. #11 ~ Maracaibo, Venezuela.  
C/N 5697 ~ built 08/1915 ~ 36" gauge ~ 4½" x 6½" cylinders ~ 5 tons

Data from Lawrence HargisPorter Steam Locomotive Roster
Builder: H. K. Porter Company, Inc. ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Owner : A. Guthrie & Co. #1 ~ Saint Paul, Minnesota.  
C/N 5676 ~ built 08/1915 ~ 56½" gauge ~ 4" x 5" cylinders ~ 3 tons

The company, a
general contractor, owned an additional Porter geared locomotive with the C/N 5735.    Data from Lawrence HargisPorter Steam Locomotive Roster

Builder: Adams and Price (builder) of No. 6 Vauxhall Street, Nashville, Tennessee (design from patent of W. E. Cole) - total quantity built is unknown
Owner : Unknown

The photo is from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History ~ John H. White & John Watkins Collection ~ ID = NMAH.AC.0523

The company's locomotives were driven by two horizontal steam cylinders, one mounted on top of the main frame on either side of and next to the front part of the boiler.  The cylinders drove a large spur gear centrally mounted on the lower part of the main frame and below the boiler.  The spur gear powered all four drivers(wheels) via either a sprocket gear and chain configuration on one locomotive model or an eccentric disk and side rod system on another model.  Water for steam was carried in a saddle tank above the boiler.  Concave (double flanged) wheels were utilized to straddle the poles of the  "pole" railroad  which these engines were designed to run on.    Pole railroads were basically tree logs (with limbs removed) laid end to end for the entire distance of the railroad.    

Builder: Adams and Price (builder) of No. 6 Vauxhall Street, Nashville, Tennessee (design from patent of W. E. Cole) - total quantity built is unknown
Owner : Unknown

This image appeared on page 377 of the August, 1899 issue of Railway and Locomotive Engineering.

The company's locomotives were driven by two horizontal steam cylinders, one mounted on top of the main frame on either side of and next to the front part of the boiler.  The cylinders drove a large spur gear centrally mounted on the lower part of the main frame and below the boiler.  The spur gear powered all four drivers(wheels) via either a sprocket gear and chain configuration on one locomotive model or an eccentric disk and side rod system on another model.  Water for steam was carried in a saddle tank above the boiler.  Concave (double flanged) wheels were utilized to straddle the poles of the  "pole" railroad  which these engines were designed to run on.    Pole railroads were basically tree logs (with limbs removed) laid end to end for the entire distance of the railroad.    

Builder:Todd & Rafferty Machine Co. ~  Paterson, New Jersey
Owner : Lodi Railroad

 As photographed, the crew cab has not been installed.   The location of the railroad was not disclosed by the source.  It is possible it was the Lodi Branch Railroad Co. later renamed Hackensack and Lodi Railroad near Hackensack, New Jersey.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #18107

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   (In alphabetic order by builder name if known, by owner name if builder unknown)

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This page changed July 21, 2024 02:20:40 PM