Climax Development Time Line

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Some of the notable developments in the line of Climax locomotives is detailed in the table below.  These are listed in ascending chronological order.  In most cases, only the year of the development is known.  Other notable developments are not listed only because an approximate date of occurrence is not known.    See Note.  


Class  Development  /  Change / Event
3/ 4/1888 A First Climax completed. - Purchased by  Imel, Powers & Shank - Cornplanter, Pennsylvania  330d
01/?/1891 B First Class "B" locomotive with horizontal cylinders built.   
Purchased by Smith, Glover, & Duncan - Miffienburg, Pennsylvania. 
1893 B First Class "B" locomotive with inclined cylinders built.
1893-95 A Tee boiler with round firebox replaced the vertical boiler 
1897 C First Class "C" locomotive built - Colorado & Northwestern Railroad - Boulder, Colorado
1901 B 50 ton Class "B" available for order.
1904 A Tee boiler (improved design) with square firebox replaced previous Tee
1910 B Steel cabs began replacing wooden cabs 
1910 B Flaring flange on top of water tank was discontinued.
1911 A Steel Frame available as an option
1913 B Single casement cab window replaced the double style.
1915 B Walschaert valve gear replaced Stephenson link valve gear on all models 45 tons and larger
1916 A Square Water Tank replaced round one
1923 C Piston valve cylinders replaced slide valve cylinders 
1923 C Superheaters first offered 
1923 B Last 60 ton Class "B" locomotive built.
1923 C First 100 ton locomotive completed.  For display at the Pacific Logging Congress


A Last wood frame Class "A"  built.
1925 C Steel Frame replaced cast iron  
1925 C Vestibule cabs were offered


Counterbalance added to dampen vibration
1927 C Heaviest Climax locomotive built - 108 tons - Timberland Development Corp. - Ladysmith, British Columbia - Canada


Note: Some dates are "cut off" dates and others are "available" dates. 

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References: Unless otherwise noted, the information on this page is based on developments and dates noted in: Climax - An Unusual Steam Locomotive by Thomas T. Taber III & Walter Casler / Railroadians of America Inc. - 1960

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