Davenport  Fixed Frame Roster

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1744 10/1919 36 _ 7x10 0-4-0 Bates & Rogers Construction Co _ Mason City, IL
1755 04/1920 _ _ _ _ Hawkeye Quarries Co. 13d _ Brandon, IA
1756 06/1920 HC24
_ 6½x8 0-4-0 Murphysboro Paving Brick Co _ Murphysboro, IL
1761 12/1919 HC24 _ 8x12 0-6-0T Kansas Chemical Mfg. Co 2 Moline, KS
1763 12/1919 HC24 _ 8x10 0-6-0T Kansas Chemical Mfg. Co 3 Moline,KS
1798 07/1920 Std _ _ 0-6-0T & T Abe Hart (H. A. RR)  16 Sandborn,IN
1805 07/1920 _ _ _ 0-6-0T Ash Grove Lime and Portland Cement Co.13d                                                                    *(a) _ Ash Grove, MO
1808 10/1920 24 _ _ 0-4-0T Murphysboro Paving Brick Co _ Murphysboro,IL
1809 01/1922 24 _ _ 0-4-0T Hua Sheng Trading Co. _ Tientsin, China
1810 01/1922 24 _ _ 0-4-0T Hua Sheng Trading Co. _ Tientsin, China
1820 08/1920 36 _ _ 0-4-0T R.G. Hill & Co 4 Earle, AR
1823 08/1920 24 _ _ 0-4-0T Porter Brothers 200 Maden, WV 
1824 08/1920 24 _ _ 0-4-0T Porter Brothers _ Maden, WV 
1825 07/1920 _ _ _ _ Solvay Process Co13d _ Moline, KS
1828 07/1920 24 _ _ 0-6-0T Solvay Process Co 4 Moline, KS
1839 10/1920 24 _ _ 0-6-0T Sr. Don Estabend de la Rama _ Negros Is, Philippines
1840 01/1921 Std _ _ 0-6-0T Black Diamond Coal Co 1 Dallas, IA
1859 02/1921 36 _ _ 0-6-0T Sr. Don Estabend de la Rama _ Negros Is, Philippines
1912 12/1922 36 _ _ 0-6-0T Cementos Hidalgo S.A. _ Monterrey, Mexico
1914 07/1922 Std 36 11¼x12 0-6-4T Johannesburg Mfg. Co 1 Johannesburg, MI
1992 05/1924 Std _ _ 0-6-0T Honolulu Iron Works                            *(b) _ New York City, NY
1996 06/1924 _ _ _ _ Northwest States Portland Cement Co.13d _ Mason City, IA
2045 08/1925 36 _ _ 0-4-0T Herbert-Fischer Brick Co _ Memphis, TN

Roster compiled and furnished courtesy of Roy Keeley.   Superscripted foot notes denote additional information provided by other sources. 

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