Other Geared Steam Locomotives  - Page DE

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In order by  builder name if available.  If unknown, in order by owner.

hammer_lbr_co-lrrsc-p70-t200.jpg (4529 bytes)
Collection of Georgia Ellis

Dewey Brothers (builder) - Goldsboro, North Carolina 

Hammer Lumber Co. (owner) - c/n 530 - Little River Neck, South Carolina - This was the 53rd engine built by Dewey.  Purchased used by Hammer in October, 1911 and converted to narrow gauge for their operation.
Source -  Logging Railroads of South Carolina

The source details the c/n and ownership of several more Deweys operated in South Carolina.  One company operated 7, one with a c/n of 730.   Another SC company ran its engine on wooden track.

dolbleer_patent_1_horiz-p74-redwd-lbr-t200.jpg (5949 bytes)
^ Dolbeer Patent Drawing   More...

humboldt_lumber_willam-t200.jpg (8134 bytes)
^ Indian Creek Lumber Co.

minor_mill_&_lbr-rwd-lbr-t200.jpg (6575 bytes)
^ Minor Mill & Lumber

John C. Dolbeer (builder) -  Mr. Dolbeer patented his geared locomotive on December 25, 1883.  The number of locomotives produced using his patent is unknown.  He  is more noted for his creation of the steam log yarding engine used in the logging industry.  These were nicknamed "donkey" engines by the logging crews.

NOTE: The two locomotives below are very similar in design to Dolbeer's, but have not been proven or disproven as being built by Dolbeer or from his specific design.

Indian Creek Lumber Co. (owner - middle image) of Moody, California  - photo: B.H. Ward collection - Formerly owned by the South Humboldt Lumber Co. of California - The locomotive may still be in existence.  Source: "Willamette Locomotive" & "Railroads in the Woods".

Minor Mill & Lumber (owner - lower image) - Near Blue Lake, California - photo from 1880's -
Source: "Redwood Lumber Industry"

These locomotives were flexible dual purpose machines.  They were logging  locomotives and they were "yarding" engines, used to "yard" or pull logs from the woods to a loading point near the track.

A large "bull" gear was mounted  forward of the boiler on the unit's extended frame.   On the right end of the gear's shaft was mounted a cable spool.   One end of a cable, or "wire rope" as it was called in those days, was attached to a log and the other cable end was attached to the spools.  A gear transmission clutch was engaged on the locomotive to "yard" or pull the log from where it lay to a loading point near the track. 

These type of locomotives  were nicknamed "gypsy" by the loggers.

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This page changed September 23, 2021 02:42:37 PM