Other Geared Steam Locomotives - Page WXYZ

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   (In alphabetic order by builder name if known, by owner name if builder unknown)

washington_iron_wrks_willam-t200.jpg (6364 bytes)

Builder: Washington Iron Works - Seattle, Washington.

Image Details: (in order from top to bottom)

  1. Owner : Eastern & Western Lumber  Co. - Little Valdez Island, British Columbia, Canada

    The locomotive, built in 1910, had two 8" X 8" vertical mounted cylinders.   It was equipped with drive shafts, universal joints, outboard gearing on the driving wheels, and trucks that resembled those employed on a Shay geared locomotive.    The boiler was of a  60"x96" internal furnace type.   The steel frame spanned 24' in length.   It was equipped with a steam brake and reversing gear.    As shown, the drive shafts were uncoupled.  

    This image and accompanying details appeared on page 32 of the June, 1910 issue of the "The Timberman" periodical.    It is believed to be the only locomotive the company built.

  2. The company designed a 3 cylinder "Shay" type locomotive (shown), but never actually built the engine.    The company was well known for it's manufacture of logging railroad cars and equipment. 
    Source: "Willamette Locomotive".

chan_wilson_sawmill-rr-in-woods-t165.jpg (9585 bytes)

Chan C. Wilson Sawmill (builder & owner)  - Hudson, Oregon - circa 1906  -  Home made  geared chain drive locomotive built with two boilers to operate on their "pole" logging railroad.

Source: "Railroads in the Woods".  Photo - Tom Timony

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Ross Winans (builder) - 1842

Western Railroad (owner) - Massachusetts

monte_cristo_wash-kinsey_willam-t150.jpg (6856 bytes)

Unknown builder  & owner - Darius Kinsey photo taken near Monte Cristo, Washington.   "Home made"  two cylinder chain drive locomotive with marine engine and boiler.  

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This page changed April 02, 2024 11:35:37 AM