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Hackley, Phelps, Bonnel Co. #3 - s/n 1192
Built 1910 ~ Std.  gauge ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks 130d

Photo credits:
> top       ~  Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #14949
> bottom ~  Photo by Anderson Horley.  The locomotive is taking on water from a creek.
Haines Chemical Co.  - s/n 1009 @ Dew Drop, Pennsylvania prior to 1949
Built 1896 - Std. gauge - 20 tons - 2 trucks 18d

Photo from C. L. Collom collection.  
Hall & Legan Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 1262
Built 1912 ~ Std gauge - 36 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Morton, Mississippi

The image appeared on page 275 of the 1916 edition of Logging

Hall-Leftwich Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 1256
Built 1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks 130
The locomotive operated near Morristown, Alabama
The image is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #14953
Hardaway, B. H. Contractor #1 - s/n 1157
Built 1909 ~ Std gauge ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks 

The locomotive operated near Fox, Alabama.
Due to the placement of the saddle tank above the boiler, a square sand box added just below and on either side of the front portion of the smokebox replaced the typical Heisler boiler mounted round sand dome.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #14973
Hattiesburg Saw Mill Co. #5 - s/n 1472 - destined for Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Built 1923 - Std. gauge - 63 tons - 2 trucks 130d

Hawley-McIsaac Coal Co. Inc  #15 - s/n 1518
Built 1925 ~ 36" gauge ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Madisonville, Kentucy
The image appeared on page 3 of the July, 1926 edition of "The Earth Mover" periodical.
Hayes Run Fire Brick Co. #2 - s/n 1138
Built 1908 - 48" gauge - 22 tons - 2 trucks 

The locomotive pictured operated on the company's Mountain View Railroad near Orviston, Pennsylvania.  The town of Hayes Run became Orviston in 1904.
The image is part of the Ralph Flanagan collection.  It appeared in an issue of the "The Lock Haven Express" newspaper.

Heaps, E. H. Timber Co.  - s/n 1103
Built 11-1906 - Std gauge - 45 tons - 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Ruskin, British Columbia, Canada
The photo is held at the Maple Ridge Museum of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada ~ Ref. # P01846
Hetch Hetchy Railroad #1 - s/n 1105
Built 11/1906 ~ Std gauge ~ 52 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Hetch Hetchy Water Supply, operated near Groveland, California
The photo is from the
Ms. Elizabeth website.
Hetch Hetchy Railroad #2 - s/n 1369 - destined for Hetch Hetchy Junction, California
Built 02/1918 - Std. gauge - 75 tons - 3 trucks 130d

Photo credit:  Locomotive World Review ~ page 50 ~ May 25, 1918

Hetch Hetchy & Yosemite Valleys Railroad #1 - s/n 1028
Built 02/1899 - 36'' gauge - 35 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the West Side Flume & Lumber Co., operated near Tuolumne, California.   The locomotive was named "Henry J. Crocker" after one of the company's founders, Henry Joseph Crocker.
The photo is from the Martin E. Hansen Collection
Hiwannee & Tombigbee Railroad Co. #1 - s/n 1261
Built 1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The railroad was owned by the Smith-Payne Lumber Co. of Hiwannee, Mississippi.  The company canceled the order for this locomotive after this picture was taken and never took delivery.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #15060

Holly Ridge Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 1415 - destined for Holly Ridge, Louisiana
Built 1920 - Std gauge - 22 tons - 2 trucks 130d

Photo credit: Walter Casler collection @  Texas Transportation Archive
Holly Ridge Lumber Co. #14 - s/n 1427 at Holly Ridge, Louisiana on 07/06/1941
Built in 1920 - Std gauge - 24 tons - 2 trucks 130
Holmes, H. A. #1 - s/n 1227
Built 1911 ~ Std gauge ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks 

The location of this company's operations is unknown.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #15079

Horseshoe Lumber Co. #7 - s/n 1254
Built 06/1912 ~ Std. gauge ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near River Falls, Alabama
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #15095                                                                     
House, A. C. Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 1176
Built 1909 ~ Std gauge ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks 

The locomotive operated near Weldon, North Carolina.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #15122
Howze Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 1273 - destined for McLain, Mississippi
Built 1913 ~ Std. gauge ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks 130d

Photo credit: David S. Price collection via Mississippi Rails
Ikeler, Philip M.  - s/n 1058
Built 09-1902 ~ 36" gauge ~ 25 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Moselle, Mississippi

International Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 1549
Built 1927 ~ Std gauge - 55 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near International Falls, Minnesota
The photo was published in Minnesota Logging Railroads
International Shoe Co. #1 - s/n 1319
Built 1916 ~ Std gauge ~ 40 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Morganton, North Carolina
The photo is from the R. Douglas Walker Jr. Collection.  It appeared in the May 12, 2013 online edition of The News Herald of Morganton, North Carolina.

International Shoe Co. #4 - s/n 1594
Built 1929 ~ Std gauge ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Marlinton, West Virginia

Johnson Creek Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1199
Built 04/1910 - Std gauge - 42 tons - 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Rainier, Washington
Johnson, H. C. Co. #2 - s/n 1303
Built 1914 - 36" gauge - 23 tons - 2 trucks 130d

The locomotive operated near the company's Johns Wood location on Drummond Island off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Photo credit: Drummond Island Museum

Johnson-Deane Lumber Co. #101 - s/n 1189
Built 02/1910 ~ Std gauge ~ 60 tons ~ 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Robe, Washington location.
Photo hosted by the Granite Falls Historical Museum of Granite Falls, Washington

Jordan River Lumber Co. #2 - s/n  ?
Built  circa 1900  - Std. gauge - 25 tons - 2 trucks 130d

The locomotive operated near the company's near Kiln, Mississippi location.
Photo credit: Anderson collection @  Mississippi Rails  

Juniata Railroad #22 ~ s/n unknown
Built 1898-1900 ~ Std gauge ~ 60 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by John E. Dubois,  operated near Dubois, Pennsylvania.
he photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1159
Dubois also operated a Dunkirk geared locomotive on the railroad.   See Juniata Railroad #24 on this page.

Kansas City, Ozark & Southern Railroad #1 - s/n unknown
Built ???? - ??? gauge - ?? tons - 2 trucks 
Image details:
Top      :At Alwanda Station near Ava, Missouri
Bottom: At Mansfield, Missouri

The local citizens referred to the railroad by the unofficial name "Ava Southern Railroad".
Kellogg Lumber Co.  - s/n 1408 or s/n 1411
s/n 1408:
Built 1919 ~ Std gauge ~ 22 tons - 2 trucks
s/n 1411: Built 1920 ~ Std gauge ~ 32 tons - 2 trucks

Except for the owner, the exact identity of the pictured locomotive is unknown.  A copy of this photo appeared in a Heisler advertisement published on page 87 of the April 15, 1922 edition of the "Southern Lumberman" periodical.  The text gives the company's positive testimony of the service the locomotive has provided.   The company owned a third Heisler, s/n 1507, but it was built in 1924, after the advertisement was published.

The company operated all three of it's Heislers in Fondale, Louisiana and s/n 1408 additionally in Richey, Mississippi
The photo is from the John VandeNobelen Collection

Kent Lumber Co. #333 - s/n 1118  - Barneston, Washington
Built 6/1907 - Std gauge - 37 tons - 2 trucks 130d

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection

Kimball and Clark Lumber Co. #1 - sn1301
Built circa 1899 - Std gauge - ?? tons - 2 trucks 130d

The locomotive operated near Hurley, Wisconsin
The photo is from the Lyle B Tyler Collection
Kinzua Pine Mills Co. #102 - s/n 1595 - Kinzua, Oregon
Built 1930 - Std gauge -  90 tons  - 3 trucks130d 
Currently in service at Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad

The locomotive operated on the company's Condon, Kinzua & Southern RR
Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection.

Kitchen Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 1473 ~ destined for Fontana, North Carolina
Built 1923 ~ 36" gauge ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photo was published in Logging Railroads of the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains - Vol 2
Kitchen Lumber Co. #9 - s/n 1531 near Calderwood, Tennessee
Built 1926 - 36" gauge - 42 tons - 2 trucks 130d

The locomotive was built as standard gauge for the company's Tapoco, North Carolina operation and later regauged for its operations in Tennessee.
Photo hosted by: Forest History Society, Durham, North Carolina
Klise, A. B. - Lumber Co. #2 - s/n (unknown)
Built ???? - 36" gauge - ?? tons - 2 trucks 

The pictured locomotive is near Sturgeon Bay, Michigan
The photo is part of the Claude Thomas Stoner collection at the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library ~ Photo #HS7427.

Per the Michigan Railroads and Railroad Companies the Klise Lumber Co's railroad was 36" gauge.   The company owned the Cecil Bay Lumber Co. and the Sturgeon Bay Lumber Co.  Close examination of the lettering on the fuel bunker of the pictured locomotive "seems" to show the letters "S B L C". This would be consistent with the Sturgeon Bay Lumber Co.   While a "2" can be seen painted on the side of the cab below the window, the round road number plate in the center front of the boiler shows a "4".  There is no entry in the Heisler builders/owners records we have for any of the three aforementioned companies.

Kosmos Logging Co. #5 - s/n 1601
Built 09-1919 - Std gauge - 90 tons - 3 trucks 130

Destined for Kosmos, Washington
The photo is from the Bert Kellogg collection held at the Port Angeles Public Library, Port Angeles, Washington
Kosmos Timber Co. #4 -  s/n 1316 ~ near Kosmos, Washington on 6/17/1949.
Built 11-1915 ~ Std gauge ~ 75 tons ~ 3 trucks

The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1688

Kosmos Timber Co. #6 -  s/n 1602
Built 09-1939 ~ Std gauge ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Kosmos, Washington.   As pictured, the locomotive remains faintly lettered for the company's previous name;  Kosmos Logging Co.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1099
Kosmos Timber Co. #8 - s/n 1562 ~ near Kosmos, Washington in 1949
Built 06/1928 ~ Std gauge ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks 130d

Kosmos Timber Co. #10 - s/n 1539 - near Kosmos, Washington
Built 11-1926 - Std gauge - 80 tons - 3 trucks 130d


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