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phelps_dodge_116-t150.jpg (3244 bytes)

Phelps Dodge Corp. #116 - s/n 1593 - destined for Bisbee, Arizona 
Built 11/1929 - Std gauge - 90 tons - 3 trucks 130d 

With research help from Steve Palmer, the  C.Q.B lettering on the tender represents Copper Queen Branch.       
Photo from Walter Casler collection. Provided courtesy of Christian Halpaap of  Hohenhameln-Bruendeln, Germany

Phenix Marble Co. #1 - s/n 1468
Built 1922 ~ Std gauge ~ 22 tons ~ 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Phenix, Missouri
The photos are from the Dave Poor Collection
Pickering Lumber Corp. #1 - s/n 1272
Built 02-1913 - Std gauge - 85 tons - 3 trucks 130
The locomotive operated near Standard, California 

The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1411
Pickering Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 1369 -  Travel Town Museum - Los Angles, California - Preserved
Built  02/1918 - Std gauge - 75 tons - 3 trucks 130d 

Photo by & courtesy of David Epling of Central California Rails 

Pickering Lumber Corp. #5 - s/n 1268 @ Standard City, California on April 2,1957
Built 11/1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 85 tons ~ 3 trucks 130d

Pickering Lumber Co. #10 - s/n 1252 - @ Standard, California - circa 1940 - 
Built 06/1912 - Std. gauge - 78 tons - 3 trucks130d

Photo by Fred Stoes

Obtain a print of this image at Yesteryear Depot.
Pine Bluff & Western Railway #1 - s/n ???? - near Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Built unknown - ??? gauge - ?? tons - 2 trucks 130

Photo hosted by: Texas Transportation Archive

Pittsburg Iron Ore Co. #1 - s/n 1166
Built 09/1909 ~ Std gauge ~ 60 tons ~ 2 trucks 130

The locomotive was operated by the company's subsidiary, Hanna Ore Mining Co., near Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Photo\image credits:
~ Upper  :  appeared on page 624 of Material Handling Cylopedia published by Simmons-Boardman Publishing Co. in 1921
~ Lower  :  from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #24395
Pittsburg Iron Ore Co. #3 - s/n 1178
Built 12/1910 ~ Std gauge ~ 60 tons ~ 2 trucks 130

The locomotive was operated by the company's subsidiary, Hanna Ore Mining Co., near Mountain Iron, Minnesota
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #24396 
Polleys Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 1405
Built 09-1919 - Std gauge - 47 tons - 2 trucks 130

The locomotive operated near Ronan, Montana
The photo is from the Archives and Special Collections, Mansfield Library, University of Montana (
Rollin H. McKay collection)
Polleys Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 1035 near Ronan, Montana
Built in 1899 - Std gauge - 35 tons - 2 trucks 130


Poinsett Lumber & Manufacturing Co. #6 - s/n 1426
Built 1920 ~ Std gauge - 47 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Trumann, Arkansas

Photo credits:
~ Upper  :  Joe R. Thompson Collection
~ Lower  :  Mavis Winter Collection
P. V. Railroad #3 - s/n 1164
Built 06-1909 ~ Std gauge ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks 

The locomotive, owned by the Hamilton Pitcher Co., operated near Napavine, Washington.  It was named "Susie".
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #24443 .   The unabbreviated name of the railroad is unknown. The museum incorrectly has it incorrectly labeled as "Poteau Valley Railroad" of Oklahoma.   We thank George R. Kadelak for his assistance in identifying this locomotive.

Potlatch Forests Inc. #72 - s/n 1545 @ Headquarters, Idaho in July, 1947
Built in 01-1927  - Std gauge - 70 tons - 3 trucks 130

The locomotive remains partially lettered for it's previous owner, Weyerhaeuser Timber Co.
Potlatch Lumber Co. #92 (Potlatch Forests Inc.)  - s/n 1502 -  @ Lewiston, Idaho - preserved  
Built 06/1924 - Std. gauge - 90 tons - 3 trucks 130d 

Photo courtesy of Brian Fritz.

Prather, W. W. Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1225 near Lakeport, California
Built 04-1911 ~ Std gauge ~ 18 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photos are from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection with the following IDs:
>top       ~  AR255-114-0-1_L-2074
>bottom ~

Pritchard-Wheeler Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1359
Built 1917 ~ Std gauge ~ 26 tons ~ 2 trucks 

The locomotive operated near Wisner, Louisiana.
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection
~ Negative #24462

Pritchard-Wheeler Lumber Co. #101 - s/n 1394 - destined for Wisner, Louisiana
Built 1919 - Std gauge - 36 tons - 2 trucks 130d

Photo credit: Walter Casler collection @ Texas Transportation Archive

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