Shay  Locomotive Images - NEW

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White River Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 3331
Built 03/22/1929 ~ Std gauge ~ 13" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ Pacific Coast model

The locomotive operated near Enumclaw, Washington
The photo is from the Enumclaw Library ~ Despain Collection ~ ID = EPL0057_789a via the Washington Rural Heritage website
Puget Sound Mills & Timber Co. #2 - s/n 220
Built 10/08/1888 ~ 36" gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~
26" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Port Crescent, Washington.  It was the company's first of two Shays to carry the #2 road number.  The other was s/n 2711
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0874
McKelvey Brothers Inc. #2 - s/n 3128
Built 09/18/1920 ~ 36" gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~ 29" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Beaver Dam, Pennsylvania
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr.
~ Negative #K2188

Long-Bell Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 2054 @ DeRidder, Louisiana on August 10, 1928
Built 07/25/1908 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~
28" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photo is from the Tom Lawson Collection published in the Logging Railroads of South Carolina ~  Available >here<

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1281 - s/n 643 @ Birmingham, Alabama on December 31, 1921
Built 02/25/1901 ~ Std. gauge - 9" x 8" cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks  

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
The photo is from the Tom Lawson Collection published in the Logging Railroads of South Carolina ~  Available >here<

Sinnemahoning Valley Railroad #4 - s/n 206
Built 07/02/1888 ~ Std gauge ~ 13½" x 12
" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 65 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by 
F.H. & C.W. Goodyear, operated near Austin, Pennsylvania
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #30127
Comox Logging & Railway Co. Ltd. #12 -  s/n 3311
Built 06/29/1927 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12
" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada

Western Maryland Railroad #6 - s/n 3354
Built 5/14/1945 ~ Std. gauge ~ 17" x 18" cylinders ~ 48" drivers ~ 150 tons ~ 3 trucks ~ The last Shay built by Lima Locomotive Works

The locomotive operated near Elkins, West Virginia

Wood & English Ltd. #5 - s/n 3280
Built  03/09/
1925 - Std gauge - 14½" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Englewood, British Columbia, Canada
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID =AR255-114-0-1_L-2434

California & Oregon Power Co. #3 s/n 646
Built 04/25/1901 ~ Std. gauge ~ cylinders 10" x 10" ~ 28"
drivers ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Hornbrook, California
Thayer Lumber Co. #97 - s/n 547
Built 02/03
/1898 ~ Std. gauge ~10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 32 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Muskegon, Michigan

Buswell Lumber & Manufacturing Co. #2 - s/n 1797
Built 12/08/1906 ~ Std gauge ~ 8" x 12" cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Star Lake, Wisconsin.
The photo is from the Dale Kuhn collection


Building the Shay book

Shay Locomotive: An Illustrated History

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Page changed: September 01, 2024 12:55:37 PM