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Babcock Lumber & Boom Co. #237 - s/n 237
Built 04/12
/1889 - Std gauge - (2)9" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 17 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Davis, West Virginia.
Photos hosted by:
~ upper  : West Virginia University Libraries
~ lower   : West Virginia University Libraries

Babcock Lumber & Boom Co. #2148 - s/n 2148
Built 04/17/1909 ~ Std. gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Davis, West Virginia. 
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2356
shay_cn_5-t150.jpg (5129 bytes) Backus, G. & J.  -  s/n 10  - @ Oscoda, Michigan -  taken circa 1880
Built 11/13/1880 - 36" gauge - 8" x 8" cylinders - 24" drivers - 8 tons - 2 trucks - vertical boiler

Provided courtesy of Christian Halpaap of  Hohenhameln-Bruendeln, Germany


Baird & Harper Lumber Co.  #11 -  s/n 2210  near Warland, Montana
Built 09/22/1909 - Std gauge - (2)
7" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 18 tons - 2 trucks


Baldridge Logging Co. #2  - s/n 1637
Built 12/26/1905 ~ 42" gauge ~ 9" x 8" cylinders ~
26½" drivers ~ 23 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Stevenson, Washington.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1558
Baldridge Lumber Co. #2 -  s/n 1999 - near Reedsport, Oregon in 1938.
Built 07/18/1907 - Std gauge -
10" x 10" cylinders - 28" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks


Ballard Lumber Co. - s/n 838
Built 02/12/1904 - Std gauge - 8
" x 12" cylinders - 26½" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Bay View, Washington
The photo is by Cecil Weyrick

Barclay Brothers #209 -  s/n 209
Built 06/09/1888 ~ Std. gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 17 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near the company's  Sinnemahoning, Pennsylvania location.
Photo hosted by: Cameron County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project
Batson & Hatten Lumber Co. #8 - s/n 3290 destined for Maxie, Mississippi
Built 09/16/1925 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Batson-McGehee Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 3281
Built 03/25/1925 ~ Std gauge ~ 10
" x 10" ~ 29" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

This is the company's second Shay with the road number #1.
The locomotive operated near Millard, Mississippi
Photo credits:
> top       ~ from the David S. Price Collection via Tony Howe of the Mississippi Rails site
bottom ~  courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection
Batson-McGehee Lumber Co.  #2 - s/n 3082 - destined for Millard, Mississippi
Built 05/15/1920 - Std. gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks

Beach, Rogers & Co. #1 (De Funiak Springs & Northern RR) - s/n 908 - De Funiak Springs, Florida
Built 12/17/1904 - Std gauge - 9" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 23 tons - 2 trucks

Photographed at De Funiak Springs in June, 1933  by B. H. Ward -
The photo is from the State Library and Archives of Florida ~ Florida Photographic Collection
Beacon Coal Co. #3 - s/n 2993 - destined for Hopedale, Ohio
Built 9/17/1928 - Std gauge - cylinders 11" x 12" - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

Beban, Frank  Lumber Co. Ltd. 2 - s/n 1982
Built 10/24/1907 - Std gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders -
28" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks 

The locomotive operated near Extension, British Columbia, Canada.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ Timber Times Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2724

Bell Logging Co. #1 - s/n 1580
Built 10/10/1905 ~ Std gauge ~ 8
" x 8" cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive was on lease from W. D. Hofius & Co.  It operated near Deep River, Washington.

Photo credits:
~ Top             :  from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0364_2-2
~ Bottom two:  from the Bert Kellogg collection at the Port Angeles Public Library, Port Angeles, Washington ~ ID = RAILLOCO003

Bell, A. W.  Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1850 @ Willamette Iron & Steel Co., Portland, Oregon  after April, 1937
Built 04/09/1907 - Std gauge - 10" x 12
"  cylinders - 29½" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The lumber company traded the locomotive to Willamette, a dealer, for logging equipment.
Bemis, J. M.  & Son ~ s/n 216
Built 08/30/1888 ~ 42" gauge ~ 8" x 8
"  cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated for it's owner,
Judson Moss Bemis and his son, Albert Farwell Bemis, near Port Allegany, Pennsylvania.
The photo is from the G. E. Lauer Collection
Bennett & Brown Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 3230 - destined for Bergland, Michigan
Built 8/8/1923 - Std gauge -10" x 12" cylinders - 29½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

Benson Logging & Lumbering Co. #554 - s/n 554
Built 03/07/1898 ~ Std. gauge ~ 9" x 8" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Oak Point, Washington
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0512
bllc-t.jpg (6024 bytes) Benson Logging & Lumbering Co. #559 - s/n 559 - @ Oak Point, Washington -  taken 1898
Built 07/20/1898 - Std. gauge - 9" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 20 tons - 2 trucks

Photo from Railroads in the Woods p185 (with permission) - Note inward tilt of cylinders.

Benson Logging & Lumbering Co. #671 - s/n 671
Built 10/07/1901 ~ Std.  gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~ 28"
 drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, named "Nosey", operated near Oak Point, Washington
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0079_2-2
Benson Timber Co. #2 - s/n 2229
Built 12/16/1909 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks 

The locomotive operated near Clatskanie, Oregon.  It originally ran with the road #2229 for the company.   It was the company's first of two Shays to carry the #2 road number.  The second was s/n 2864.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0127

Benson Timber Co. #2231 -  s/n 2231
Built 12/15/1909 - Std gauge - 10" x 12
" cylinders - 29½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Clatskanie, Oregon
Bottom photo hosted by: VanNatta Logging History Museum


Benson Timber Co. #2415 -  s/n 2415  near Clatskanie, Oregon
Built  3-25-1911 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29 drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive was named "Betsy".

Beristain-Necaxa RR #5 - s/n 982
Built 01/27/1905 - 36" gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 28" drivers - 33 tons - 2 trucks

The railroad, owned by the Mexican Light and Power Co. of
Beristain, Mexico,  was used for the construction and maintenance of the  Rio Nexaca hydroelectric plant.    The locomotive was named "Tona La Negra".
Photo & data source: "Mexican Narrow Gauge" / by Gerald M. Best / Howell-North Books, Berkeley 1971  / 
Harold F. Stewart photo 
Provided courtesy of Christian Halpaap of Hohenhameln-Bruendeln, Germany
Bethlehem Steel Corp. #5 - s/n 2581 @ Seattle Washington  on March 28, 1940
Built 09-10-1912 - Std.  gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks


Big Blackfoot Railroad #1 -  s/n 811
Built 08/24/1903 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29½" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Big Blackfoot Milling Co.,  operated near Bonner, Montana
The photo is part of the Jack L. Demmons Collection at the Mansfield Library, University of Montana ~ ID#: demmons_161_d_d.jpg

Big Blackfoot Railroad #2 -  s/n 835
Built 12/21/1903 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29½" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Big Blackfoot Milling Co.,  operated near Bonner, Montana
Photo hosted by: Montana Memory Project
Big Creek Logging Co. #2 - s/n 2230
Built 12/16/1909 ~ Std. gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Knappa, Oregon It was the company's second of two Shays to carry the #2 road number.  The first was s/n 2689. 
As pictured, it was still lettered with the previous owner's name, "Benson Timber Co.",  and road number "2230".
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2116
Big Creek Logging Co. #2 - s/n 2689
Built 07/21/1913 ~ Std. gauge ~ 13½" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 80 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Knappa, Oregon It was the company's first of two Shays to carry the #2 road number.  The second was s/n 2230.
Photo hosted by: VanNatta Logging and Forestry
Big Creek Logging Co. #4 - s/n 2834 - Portland, Oregon - taken 1938
Built 4/1/1916 - Std gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks 
The locomotive operated near Knappa, Oregon.

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection
Big Creek Logging Co. #5 ~ s/n 2934
Built 11/24/1917 ~ Std
gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Knappa, Oregon

The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID= AR255-114-0-1_LL-0529
Big Creek Logging Co. #7 ~ s/n 3052 - at far right in photo.
Built 02/28/1920 ~ Std
gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Knappa, Oregon.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0327

Big Creek Logging Co. #8  - s/n 3073  @  Lima, Ohio - destined for Knappa, Oregon
04-06-1920 - Std. gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks
Big Creek Railroad #1 ~ s/n 592
Built 07/02/1900 ~ Std gauge ~ 12½" x 12
" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Big Creek Lumber Co. Ltd., operated near Pollock, Louisiana.
The photo is from the David Basco Collection.
Big Creek Railroad #2 - s/n 731
Built 10/03
/1902 - Std gauge - 12" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Big Creek Lumber Co., operated near Pollock, Louisiana
The photo is part of the Detroit Publishing Company Collection at the Library of Congress
~ ID#: LC-D41-82 [P&P]
Big Lakes Box Co. #91 -  s/n 2811  - near Canby, California
Built  06-24
-1915 - Std gauge - 14½" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks


Big Rapids & Western Railroad #23 - s/n 169 - near Big Rapids, Michigan  - 1890s photo
Built 08/21/1887 - Std. gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 28" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks

It is the "Oldest Surviving Standard Gauge Shay"
The railroad was owned by Thomas D. Stimson
Biles-Coleman Lumber Co. #101 - s/n 2190
Built 07/10/1909 ~ 36"
gauge ~ (2) 8" x 12" cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Omak, Washington 
The photo is from the Marten E. Hansen collection.
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. - s/n 332 @ Birmingham, Alabama
Built 01/15/1891 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~ 28" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
The photo is part of the Roy Keeley Collection via Tony Howe of the Mississippi Rails site.

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1093 - s/n 1652 @ Birmingham, Alabama
Built 02/07/1906 ~ Std gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks  

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
The photo is part of the Roy Keeley Collection via Tony Howe of the Mississippi Rails site.

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1161 - s/n 3146 @ Birmingham, Alabama
Built 09/02/1920 - 36" gauge - 8" x 8" cylinders - 29" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks  

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1281 - s/n 643 @ Birmingham, Alabama on December 31, 1921
Built 02/25/1901 ~ Std. gauge - 9" x 8" cylinders ~ 26½" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks  

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
The photo is from the Tom Lawson Collection published in the Logging Railroads of South Carolina ~  Available >here<

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1468  -  s/n 1815  - Birmingham, Alabama
Built  01-08
-1907 - Std gauge - 8" x 10" cylinders - 26½" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
Photo from the Michael Koch collection

Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co.  #1643 -  s/n 3030 @ Birmingham, Alabama
Built 03/04/1919 - 36" gauge - 8" x 12
" cylinders - 29" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. #1658 - s/n 3015 @ Birmingham, Alabama
Built 11/04/1918 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 60 tons ~ 3 trucks

The company was a dealer and rebuilder of railroad equipment.
The photo is part of the Roy Keeley Collection via Tony Howe of the Mississippi Rails site.

Bishop Lumber Co. - s/n 172
Built 05/10/1887 ~ 36"  gauge ~ (2)7" x 12" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 13 tons ~ 2 trucks ~ "Boot" boiler

The locomotive, named "Lilly B.", operated near Woodward, Pennsylvania
The photo is from the Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr. collection published in Wild Catting On The Mountain.
Bissell Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 2393
Built 11/12/1910 ~ Std gauge ~ 8" x 10" cylinders ~ 27½" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Ladysmith, Wisconsin
.  It was the company's second Shay to utilize the #3 road number.  Their first was s/n 2261.

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