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Dalkena Lumber Co. #1 ~ s/n 3245
Built 12/22/1923 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 10
" cylinders ~ 29" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Priest River, Idaho
Damascus Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 2205
Built 08/27/1909 ~ 36"
gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~  28" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Laureldale, Virginia.
The photo was published in Green Gold 
Daniels, D. B.  #254 - s/n 254 - destined for Lake Charles, Louisiana
Built 11/06/1889 - 60" gauge -
(2)10" x 10" cylinders  - 30" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks
Note the dual flanged drivers ordered for the company's  wood railed railroad.
Photo posting permission granted by the Allen County Historical Society
Davidson, Hicks & Greene Co. #6 - s/n 1860
Built 03/30/1907 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders -  29½" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Cowan, Tennessee. The company utilized Heisler, Climax, and Shay geared locomotives.
The photo is from the David Brock collection.

Davidson, Hicks & Greene Co. #7 ~ s/n 3191
Built 09/14/1922 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12
" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Cowan, Tennessee
Davis, D. C.  & Sons #117 - s/n 117 destined for Cady Mills, Wisconsin
Built 07/19/1884 - Std. gauge - (2) 10" x 8" cylinders -
26" drivers - 15 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive, named "D. C. Davis",
 was the first Class C (3 truck) Shay built.  It was also the first of only two Class C Shays to have only two cylinders and a "T" boiler.   In addition, these two were the lightest Class Cs built.  That other Shay was s/n 119.
Dawn Tramway #220 - s/n 220
Built 10/08/1888 ~ 36" gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~
26" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the
Dawn Tramway Co., operated near Dresden, Ontario, Canada
The photo is part of the Bill Moon collection.
Dawson Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 2323 near Libby, Montana in 1910
Built 05/13/1910 - Std gauge -
10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks


Day Lumber Co. #3 ~ s/n 2708
Built 10/04/1913 ~ Std gauge ~ 13½ x 15
" cylinders - 36" drivers - 80 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Big Lake, Washington.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0745
Dayton Power & Light Co. #3 - s/n 3353
Built 02/16/1937 - Std. gauge -  13" x 15" cylinders - 40" drivers - 80 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive was the last 2 truck Shay built by Lima and the next to the last Shay built.    Its base of operations was the power company's Millers Forge plant, presumably in Ohio.
De Ridder & Eastern Railway #4 - s/n 844 - circa 1904
Built 01/13/1904 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders -
29½" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Hudson River Lumber Co. (HRLC), operated near De Ridder, Louisiana.   HRLC was a subsidiary of Long-Bell Lumber Co.
Photo hosted by: Texas Transportation Archive

deal_lumber-t150.jpg (6204 bytes) Deal Lumber Co. #5 - s/n 3099 - destined for Buhl, Alabama
Built 05/12/1920 - Std. gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks

deal_bachtel_lbr-t150.jpg (6380 bytes) Deal-Bachtel Lumber Co. #10 - s/n 3046 - destined for Cooks Station, Alabama
Built 08/09/1919 - Std. gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders - 29" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks



Deckert & McDowell Construction Co. #SS-141- s/n 1924 near Wheaton, Illinois
Built 05/18/1907 - Std gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders - 28" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks
Deemer Manufacturing Co. #2 - s/n 1954
Built 06/04/1907 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Deemer, Mississippi
The photo is part of the Fred Saul collection hosted by Mississippi Rails
Deep Gap Tie & Lumber Co. #3 s/n 2013
Built 10/28
/1907 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deep Run, North Carolina
Deep River Logging Co. #1 - s/n 669
Built 10/03/1901 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~ 28" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deep River, Washington.  It was the company's 2nd locomotive to carry the #1 road number.
Deep River Logging Co. #4 ~ s/n 1630
Built 01/04/1906 ~ Std
gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deep River, Washington.

The photo is from the Rick D Anderson Collection.
Deep River Logging Co. #5 - s/n 606
Built 04/27/1900 ~ Std gauge ~ 9" x 8" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 20 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deep River, Washington.  It was the company's 1st locomotive to carry the #5 road number.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_LL-002431
Deep Run Big Vein Coal Co. #7 - s/n 2563 @ Shaw, West Virginia
Built 07/18/1912 - Std gauge - 10" x12
" cylinders  - 29½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated on the company's Deep Run Railroad

Deer Island Logging Co. #104 ~ s/n 1802
Built 11/18/1906 ~ Std. gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deer Island, Oregon
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID =  AR255-114-0-1_LL-0229
Deer Park Lumber Co. - s/n 2219
Built 10/22/1909 ~ Std
gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Deer Park, Washington
The photo is from the Lawrence Zimmerer Collection held by the Clayton/Deer Park Historical Society (Washington)
Deerfield River Railroad #3 - s/n 2545
Built 04/23/1912 - 36" gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders - 29" drivers - 32 tons - 2  trucks

The locomotive operated near West Mountain Mills, Vermont
The photo is from the Joseph A. Smith collection.

Del Norte Southern Railroad #6 - s/n 2413
Built 01/27/1911 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by
Hobbs, Wall & Co., operated near Crescent City, California.  It was later renumbered to #2 by the company.
The photo is part of the Mike Ward collection.
Delta Chemical Co. #3 - s/n 2739 - near Wells, Michigan in 1937
Built 08/31/1915 - Std gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders -
29" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks

Delta Land & Timber Co. #202 - s/n 2527 near Conroe, Texas in July, 1925
Built 04/17/1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 10
" x 12" cylinders ~ 29" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

Photo credit: R. H. Carlson collection @ Texas Transportation Archive
Denkmann Lumber Co. #10 - s/n 3182 near Canton, Mississippi on October 15, 1940
Built 07/14/1922 - Std gauge - 11" x 12
" cylinders - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks
Denkmann Lumber Co. #16 - s/n 1909 near Canton, Mississippi
Built 06/07/1907 - Std gauge - 12" x 15
" cylinders - 36" drivers - 65 tons - 3 trucks
Dents Run Coal Co.  #1 - s/n 2992 @ Dents Run, Pennsylvania in October,  1936
Built 09-11-1918 - Std.  gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

Photo from the M B Cooke collection.

Denver, Boulder & Western Railroad #25 - s/n 540 - at Boulder, Colorado in 1917
Built 12/11/1897 - 36" gauge - 12"x12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

The photo is part of the Otto Perry collection held at the Denver Public Library


Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad #4 - s/n 1585
Built 11/20/1905 - Std gauge - 14½" x 15" cylinders - 40" drivers - 85 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, operated near Salt Lake, Utah
The image appeared on page 128 of the March, 1906 edition of Railway and Locomotive Engineering
Image hosted by the  Internet Archive Book Images

Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad #5 s/n 1801 - Salt Lake City, Utah
Built 12/22/1906 - Std. gauge - 14½" x 15" cylinders - 40"
drivers - 85 tons - 3 trucks

Photo courtesy of Dan RoweDripping Springs Locomotive Works
Dessert, Joseph Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 351
Built 06/11/1891 ~ Std gauge ~ 9" x 8" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Mosinee, Wisconsin
The photo appeared on page 38 of "Forest Products Transportation By River, Rail And Road" published by the Forest History Association of Wisconsin Inc. - October 5, 1991  ~ Credit also goes to the Wisconsin Historical Society for hosting this publication.

Detroit Ship Building Co. #2 - s/n 2987
Built 06/29/1918 ~ Std. gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 30
½" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the American Ship Building Co., operated near Wyandotte, Michigan

Dewing & Son #31 - s/n 31
Built 07/07/1882  - 36" gauge - (2) 6" x 6" cylinders - 21" drivers - 6 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Ashton, Michigan
Diamond & Caldor Railway #2 - s/n 863
Built 04/04/1904 ~ 36" gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Diamond Springs, California
The photo is
hosted by the website. 

Diamond & Caldor Railway #4 - s/n 1896 
04-27-1907 ~ 36" gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks
The locomotive operated near Diamond Springs, California

Photo details:

~ Top      :  Taken in 1953 at Diamond Springs, California.  It is courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection.
~ Bottom:  From the Guy Span collection.
Diamond & Caldor Railway #6 - s/n 2153 near Diamond Springs, California  on May 30, 1949
Built 04/26/1909 - 36" gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks


Diamond & Caldor Railway #7 - s/n 2522 near Diamond Springs, California
Built 03/29/1912 - 36" gauge - 11
" x 12" - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection

Diamond & Caldor Railway #8 - s/n 2921
Built 07/14/1917 - 36" gauge - 11
" x 12" - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks
The locomotive operated near Diamond Springs, California
Top photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection

Diamond & Caldor Railway #10 - s/n 3252 near Diamond Springs, California
Built 02/29/1924 - 36" gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks
Diamond Lumber Co. #5 - s/n 2825
Built 01/11/1916 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~
29½" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Ontonagon, Michigan

Diamond Lumber Co. #7 - s/n 3129 - destined for Ontonagon, Michigan
Built 10/01/1920 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29 ½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks
Diamond Match Co. #101 - s/n 860
Built 02/22/1902 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 12" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 55 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive
operated near Chico, California.
The photo is part of the Northeastern California Historical Photograph Collection held at California State University (Chico) ~ with the ID: SC23972
Diamond Match Co. #102 - s/n 1748 @ Sterling, California in June 1951
Built 10/02/1906 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 65 tons - 3 trucks
Diamond Match Co. #105 - s/n 3245 @ Sterling, California on September 13, 1949
Built 12/22/1923 - Std gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 29" drivers - 36 tons - 2 trucks

Diamond Match Co. #106 - s/n 3009 @ Butte Meadows, California on September 13, 1949
Built 10/22/1919 - Std gauge - 12" x 15
" cylinders  - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Dillon's, E.  & Son #1 - s/n 1553 - destined for Indian Rock, Virginia 14d    
Built 09/16/1905 - 46" gauge - 6" x 10" cylinders - 22" drivers - 10 tons - 2 trucks - 2 cylinders

Photo posting permission granted by the Allen County Historical Society courtesy of Dan Rowe

Discovery Bay Logging Co. #7 - s/n 2858
Built 05/26/1916 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The photos are from the Bert Kellogg collection held at the Port Angeles Public Library, Port Angeles, Washington.
The upper photo was taken near Clallam Bay, Washington, with the lower being near Discovery Bay.   The lower depicts the locomotive after it was converted to burn coal.

Dixie Route Railroad #6 - s/n 2460 - near Lockhart, Alabama on April 27, 1937
Built 07/15/1911 - Std. gauge -
10" x 12" cylinders - 31½" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The railroad's parent company was Jackson Lumber Company

Dixon Sawmill - s/n 191
Built 11/25/1887 ~ Std gauge ~
(2) 7" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 13 tons - "boot boiler" -  2 trucks

The locomotive was running on wooden rail when it was photographed in May of 1903 in Irwin County, Georgia by E. Block.
The photo is from the United States National Archives ~ E. Block Collection ~ ID = 7018140 (95-GP-1480-40123). 
Credit George Lane for locating the photo within the Archives.

Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.  #4 - s/n 3349
Built 04/02/1931 ~ Std gauge ~ 13" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 81 tons ~ 3 trucks ~ Pacific Coast model

The locomotive
operated near Camp Carson, California
The lower photo was taken in early 1937.
Dollar, Robert  Lumber Co. #2978 - s/n 2978
Built 05-31-1918 - Std  gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

The company was located in
Glendale, Oregon
Dollar, Robert Lumber Co. #2978 - s/n 2978  @ Glendale, Oregon in the '40s sometime after April 1946
Built  5-31-1918 - Std gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

Photo by C. William (Bill) Witbeck
Dominion Construction Co. Ltd. #10 - s/n 3298
Built 02/27/1926 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Cochran, Ontario, Canada
The photo is from the Library and Archives Canada ~ ID = 3589102
Doty Lumber & Shingle Co. #5 - s/n 3070 - Destined for Doty, Washington.
Built 03/05/1920 - Std gauge - 11" x 12
" cylinders  - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated on the company's Elk Creek & Gray's Harbor Railway.   Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection.

Dry Fork Lumber Co. #5 - s/n 970
Built 02/04/1905 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 28" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Laneville, West Virginia.
The photo is from the Gerald Ledford Collection.

Dry Fork Lumber Co. #6 - s/n 1740
Built 05/12/1906 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29½" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Laneville, West Virginia.
The photo is from the Gerald Ledford Collection.

Duluth & Northern Minnesota Railway #101s/n 1908
Built 06/04
/1907 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 65 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Alger-Smith Lumber Co., operated near Knife River, Minnesota
The lower photo was taken at the company's yard in Knife River.
The photos were published in Minnesota Logging Railroads

Dunn & Hartley Logging Co. #5 - s/n 2929
Built 07/03/1917 - Std gauge -
14½" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Twin, Washington
The photos are from the Bert Kellogg collection held at the Port Angeles Public Library, Port Angeles, Washington
with the following IDs:

~ Top      :  RAILWREK014
~ Bottom:  RAILWREK015

Dwyer, A. J.  #3 - s/n 3178 - destined for Boring, Oregon
Built 02/28/1922 - Std. gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 truck

The locomotive was named "A. J. Dwyer"

1.Data and/or s/n provided courtesy of Dan Rowe of the Dripping Springs Locomotive Works

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