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Hackley-Phelps-Bonnell Co. #2 - s/n 969 @ Hackley, Wisconsin
Built 03/03/1905 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29
˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The photo is part of the Langlade County Historical Society collection held at the Milwaukee Public Library
Hackley-Phelps-Bonnell Co. #3 - s/n 649
Built 04/06/1901 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 40 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive
operated near Phelps, Wisconsin.
The photo is part of the Langlade County Historical Society collection held at the Milwaukee Public Library
Hackney, T. L.  #1 -  s/n 131
Built 06/04/1885 - 36" gauge - 8
" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 9 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Corrigan, Texas
Hall, H. H.,  Construction Co. #3 - s/n 3123 destined for East St. Louis, Illinois
Built  09-01
-1920 - 24" gauge - " x 8" cylinders - 24" drivers -10 tons - 2 trucks
Hall, The Thomas Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 3190
Built 09/20/1922 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near New River, Tennessee.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ AR255-114-0-1_L-2829_1-2. 
Hall & Kaul Lumber Co. #70 - s/n 284
Built 04/28/1890 ~ 36" gauge ~ 11" x 10" cylinders ~ 28" drivers ~ 37 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Saint Marys, Pennsylvania
The photo is from the
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #16083

Hall & Legan Lumber Co. s/n 2115 
Built 10/22
/1908 ~ Std. gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29˝" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Morton, Mississippi
The photo was published on page 270 of the 1915-16 edition of Logging
Hama Hama Logging Co. #2 - s/n 2858
Built 05/26/1916 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks|
The locomotive operated near Eldon, Washington. 
Note the #2 painted on the cab below the window and the inverted #7 spot plate remaining from a previous owner on the front of the smokebox.
hhlc-7-t.jpg (3070 bytes) Hama Hama Logging Co. # 7 - s/n 3194 -  destined Eldon, Washington
Built 12/26/1922 - Std. gauge - 11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 60 tons - 3 trucks

Photo from The Willamette Locomotive p 61(with permission)

Hamilton Logging Co. #4 - s/n 2618
Built 11/29/1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 12
" x 12" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 60 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Hamilton, Washington
Photo credits:

~ top             - Clark Kinsey collection @ University of Washington Libraries
~ remaining  - Jeffrey McCalib Collection  - We thank George R. Kadelak for the identification of the locomotive in these photos.

Hammond Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 994
Built 03/23/1905 - Std. gauge - 12" x 12" cylinders - 36" drivers - 55 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated at the company's Mill City, Oregon location.

Hammond Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1822
Built 03/15/1907 ~ Std. gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 45 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Oak Point, Washington
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2036

Hammond Lumber Co. #3 - s/n 2738  - Near Denver, Oregon circa 1918
Built 01/11/1914 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders -
29˝"drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The image appeared on page 10 of the December 1918 - January 1919 edition of  the Monthly Bulletin published the Loyal Legion of Loggers & Lumbermen

hammond_lbr_31-t150.jpg (6787 bytes) Hammond Lumber Co. #31 - s/n 3087 - destined for Samoa, California
Built 07/10/1920 - Std. gauge - 14˝" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks


Hammond Lumber Co. #32 - s/n 3157
Built 02/04/1921 ~ Std gauge ~
14˝" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Crannell, California

The photos are part of the Boyle collection hosted by the Humbolt State University, Arcata, California:

~ Upper : Photo ID: 1999.03.0085

~ Lower : Photo ID: 1999.03.0086

Hammond Lumber Co. #424 - s/n 2250
Built 01/04/1910 - Std gauge -  10
" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Kelso, Washington

The photo is part of the Clark Kinsey collection hosted by the University of Washington Libraries ~ Photo ID: 516.5336
Hammond Redwood Co. #31 - s/n 3087
Built 07/10/1920 - Std. gauge - 14˝" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Samoa, California

Hammond Redwood Co. #32 - s/n 3157
Built 02/04/1921 ~ Std gauge ~
14˝" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive is pictured at  Crannell, California
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1741
Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. #4 - s/n 3172  in @ Sacramento, California on December 15, 1935
Built 06/05/1922 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks


Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. #33 - s/n 3180
Built 06/30
/1922 - Std gauge - 14˝" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Crannell, California

Hampden Cloncurry Mines, Ltd. - s/n 2478
Built 11/16/1911 - 42" gauge - (2) 6" x 10" cylinders - 22˝" drivers - 13 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Hampden, Queensland, Australia
Photo hosted by the: State Library of Queensland

Hardwick & Woodbury Railroad #2 - s/n 627 - named "John S. Holden"
Built 02/20/1901 - Std gauge - 
12" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Hardwick, Vermont..

Hardwick & Woodbury Railroad #3 - s/n 2113 - named "Charles W. Leonard".
Built 01/23/1909 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36
"  drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the
Hardwick & Woodbury Railway Co., operated near Hardwick, Vermont.
The photo was published in the November, 1946 edition of "The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin".
Hassinger Lumber #4 - s/n 2700 - destined for Konnarock, Virginia - 
Built 12/01/1913 - Std.  gauge - 14˝" x 15" cylinders  - 36" drivers - 100 tons - 4 trucks

The locomotive operated on the company's White Top Railway.   It was the smallest 4 truck Shay built by Lima.
Photo posting permission was granted by the Allen County Historical Society courtesy of Dan Rowe. Dan also supplied all the information.

Hart & Bambrick Co. #4 - s/n 701
Built 04/16/1902 - Std gauge - 11
" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 40 tons - 2 trucks

The company leased the locomotive for operation near Union Bay, British Columbia, Canada
The photo is hosted by the Cumberland Museum and Archive of Cumberland, British Columbia, Canada

Hart & Horning #122 -  s/n 122  - near Woodville, Michigan
Built  09-17
-1884 - 37" gauge - (2) 10" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 15 tons - 2 trucks
The locomotive as pictured is  36" gauge.

Photo taken circa 1890s.  

Hauser Construction Co. #2 - s/n 2208 @ Cascade Locks, Oregon
Built 08/16/1909 - Std. gauge - 10
" x 12" - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection
Hawaiian Mahogany Lumber Co. - s/n 2295 - Hilo, Hawaii
Built 03/18/1910 - 36" gauge - (2) 6" x 10" cylinders - 22˝" drivers - 13 tons - 2 trucks
Photo source: "Railroads of Hawaii  -  by Gerald M. Best / Golden West Books, San Marino 1978 <> Photo: Lima Locomotive Works collection 
Provided courtesy of Christian Halpaap of Hohenhameln-Bruendeln, Germany

Hawthorne, W. R.  Logging Co. - s/n 2300
Built 04/05/1910 - 36" gauge - (2) 8" x 10" cylinders - 26" drivers - 20 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Union, Washington. 
The photo is from the Bert Kellogg collection held at the Port Angeles Public Library, Port Angeles, Washington

Hazelhurst & South Eastern Railroad #13 - s/n 365
Built 08/03/1891 - Std gauge - 9
" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned Yawkey-Bissel Lumber Co., operated near  Hazelhurst, Wisconsin
The photo is from the Marc Reusser collection

Hebard, Charles S. , & Son, Inc. #2 - s/n 2157
Built 05/12/1909 ~ Std. gauge ~ (2) 7
" x 12" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 18 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near was used near L' Anse, Michigan.
Photo credit: Baraga County Historical Museum

Hedlund Lumber & Manufacturing Co. #6 - s/n 3326 - destined for Marcus, Washington
Built 12/03/1928 - Std gauge -  13
" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 3 trucks - Pacific Coast model
Helena Southwestern Railroad #10 - s/n 2752
Built 04/15/1914 ~ Std gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~  29˝" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Chicago Mill & Lumber Co., operated near Helena, Arkansas.
image was published on page 4 of the January, 1916 edition of  Locomotive World
Hemphill, J. M.  Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 2639
Built 04/14/1913 ~ Std. gauge ~ 8" x 10" cylinders ~ 27˝" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Bexley, Mississippi
Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection.    Identification courtesy of the staff.
Hersey Gravel Co. #1 - s/n 2777 - in 1939
Built 07/23
/1914 - Std gauge - (2)8" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 20 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Hersey, Michigan 
Hetch Hetchy & Yosemite Valley Railroad #8 - s/n 3176
Built 03/29/1922 ~ 36" gauge ~12" x 15" cylinders ~ 34" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the West Side Lumber Co., near Tuolumne, California
Hickory Valley Railway #6 -  s/n 2405
Built 01/27
/1911 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by Wheeler & Dusenberry,  operated near Endeavor, Pennsylvania.
Hines Lumber Co., Edward #3 -  s/n 3255 - near Seneca, Oregon in 1946
Built 04/12/1924 - Std. gauge -
12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection
Hines Lumber Co., Edward  #4 - s/n 3337 near Seneca, Oregon on 6/6/1949
Built 06/08/1929 ~ Std. gauge ~
12" x 15" ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~3 trucks
Hines Western Pine Co., Edward  #4 - s/n 3337
Built 06/08/1929 ~ Std. gauge ~
12" x 15" ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~3 trucks
The locomotive operated near Seneca, Oregon
Hoard & Flaherty Logging Co. #1 - s/n 2482
Built 11/20/1911 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝
" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Bainbridge, British Columbia, Canada.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2359
Hobart Estate Lumber Co. #7 -   s/n 1895 - @ scrap dealer in San Francisco, California in 1939
Built 06/20/1907 - Std. gauge -
10" x 10" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 33 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive was operated by its subsidiary,
Sierra Nevada & Woodland Lumber Co, near Hobart Mills, California.   Although undisclosed with the related information of this photo, the "scrap dealer" was likely the Hyman-Michaels Co.
Hobbs Wall & Co. #1 -  s/n 2889
Built 11
/25/1916 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders  - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Crecent City, California.   It was the company's 2nd locomotive with the road number #1.  
Hobbs Wall & Co. #4 -  s/n 2296 - near Crescent City, California
Built 03/19/1910 - Std. gauge -
8" x 8" cylinders - 27˝" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

Hofius, W. D.,   & Co. #1509 - s/n 1509 on display at the Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland, Oregon in 1905
Built 04/12/1905 - Std. gauge - 11
" x 12" - 32" drivers - 45 tons - 2 trucks

This equipment dealer was based in Seattle, Washington

Holland, Briggs & Avery Logging Co. #10 - s/n 1767
Built 12/31
/1906 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Grays River, Washington.  It was the first of two Shays to carry the #10 road number for the company. The second was s/n 2829.
The bottom photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1998


Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins Corp. - s/n 2214 ~ at right in expanded photo.
Built 11/19/1909 - 36" gauge -  8" x 8" cylinders - 26˝" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

The photo is part of Record Group #181 at the U. S. National Archives.  It was taken at Dry Dock #4 of the U. S. Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York on February 27, 1910 during the Dock's construction.
Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins Corp. #3 - s/n 2259 ~ at left in expanded photo.
Built 12/21/1909 - 36" gauge -  8" x 8" cylinders - 26˝" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

The photo is part of Record Group #181 at the U. S. National Archives.  It was taken at Dry Dock #4 of the U. S. Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York on February 27, 1910 during the Dock's construction.
Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 3207  in 1947
Built 05/26/1923 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated at the company's Carlotta, California location.
Holston River Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 2882
Built 11/29/1916 - Std gauge - 12
" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Clinchburg, Virginia
The photo was published in Washington County
Holt Lumber Co. #17 - s/n 2492
Built 06/18/1912 - Std gauge -  12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Tipler, Wisconsin
The photo is from the Florence County Historical Society & Museum collection, Wisconsin

Holt Timber Co. - s/n 683
Built 12/04/1901 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders -
29˝" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Townsend, Wisconsin
Photo hosted by Brian Westhouse

Homochitto Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 2627
Built 01/31/1913 - Std gauge - 12" x 15
" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated at the company's Bude, Mississippi location. 
Homochitto Lumber Co. #23 - s/n 2626
Built 01/31
/1913 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Bude, Mississippi.  It started service with the company as road #3 before becoming #23.
The photo, by C. W. Witbeck,  is from the David S. Price collection hosted by Mississippi Rails
Homochitto Lumber Co. #25 -  s/n 3115  -  Buda, Mississippi
Built  06
-19-1920 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Photograph taken April 1, 1941 at Buda by C. William (Bill) Witbeck

Homochitto Lumber Co. #26 - s/n 2546 - near Bude, Mississippi
Built 06/01/1912 - Std. gauge -12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks
Honaker Lumber Co. #8 - s/n 2436 - destined for Honaker, Virginia
Built 03/18/1911 - Std. gauge -
12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The company was owned by the Russell Fork Transportation Co.  
This image appeared on page 71 of Logging and Lumbering or Forest Utilization by C. A. Schenck

Hoover, N. L.  Lumber Co. #1  - s/n 574
Built 05/20/1899 ~ Std. gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 40 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Cash, South Carolina.
The photo was published in Railroading in the Carolina Sandhills  ~ Volume 2

Hoover-Yeager Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 2048
Built 01/20/1908 ~ Std gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 26˝" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by E. J. Hoover, Durbin, West Virginia
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr. Collection ~ Negative #
Hope Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1763
Built 08/18/1906 - Std gauge - (2) 7" x 12" cylinders -  26˝" drivers - 15 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Hope, Arkansas
image was published on page 2 of the March, 1915 edition of  Locomotive World

Horton Land & Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 413
Built 11/25/1892 ~ Std. gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~
27" drivers ~ 17 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Barfield, Missouri
Photo credits:
> top       ~  Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr. Collection ~ Negative #K1399
> bottom ~  Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr. Collection ~ Negative #K1404

Hotchkiss, J. W.  Co. #2284 ~ s/n 2284
Built 02/26
/1910 ~ Std gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 26˝" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Union Landing, California
Houghton, Chassell & Southwestern Railway #1 -  s/n 2235
Built 10/04/1909 - Std gauge - 10
" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Worchester Lumber Co., operated near Chassell, Michigan
Houghton, L.  Logging Co. #4 - s/n 2222
Built 01/15/
1909 - Std gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near McMurray, Washington
Howe-McGibbon Timber Co. #2  -  s/n 2565 
Built  09-10
-1912 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32"  drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Nagrom, Washington.
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2251
Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Co. Ltd. #102 - s/n 1703
Built 07/09/1906 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 65 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada
The photo is from the
Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ General Negative Collection ~ Negative #15137
Humbird Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1975
Built 10/19/1907 - Std gauge - 
11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, named "M. Lester", operated near Sandpoint, Idaho
The image was published on page 35 of the 1915 edition of Western Lumberman

Humbird Lumber Co. #5 - s/n 3116 - destined for Sandpoint, Idaho
Built 06/24/1920 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Hume-Bennett Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 350
Built 05/18/1891 - 36" gauge - 10" x 10" cylinders - 38" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Sanger, California
The photo is part of the Michael J. Semas collection.
Hume-Bennett Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 2411  @ Sanger, California
Built 1-31-1911 - 36" gauge -  8" x 12" cylinders -  29"
 drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks

Photo from the Bert Ward collection

Hume Bennett Lumber Co. #3 -  s/n 2848
Built 03/25/1916 - Std. gauge - 8" x 12" cylinders - 29" drivers - 32 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Sanger, California
Photo published in Shaver, Huntington, and Hume Lakes  Available >here<

Huntley, G. W.  & Son #1 ~ s/n 175
Built 07/23/1887 - Std gauge - 14" x 14" cylinders - 36" drivers - 75 tons - 3 trucks

The text accompanying the photo notes it was taken in West Virginia.
Top photo is from the
John P Sitniký collection.

Huon Timber Co. Ltd. - s/n 698
Built 02/14/1902 - 42" gauge - 8
" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 25 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Geeveston, Tasmania, Australia
The photos are hosted by user Trainiac


Huon Timber Co. Ltd. - s/n 2029
Built 09/28/1907 ~ 42"
gauge ~ 8" x 10" cylinders ~ 26˝" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
The photo is part of the Tasmanian Railway-Tramway Heritage Collection
Hutchinson Lumber Co.  #1-  s/n 3169 - destined for Oroville, California
Built 11/03/1921 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks
Hutchinson Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 3177
Built 02/22/1922 ~ Std gauge ~ 14˝" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Feather Falls, California
The photo is part of the Michael J Semas Collection
Hutchinson Lumber Co.  #3 - s/n 3221 -  @  San Diego Railroad Museum -  San Diego, California 
Built 07/14/1923 - Std. gauge - 14˝" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 90 tons - 3 trucks.

Operational at Cass Scenic Railroad State Park  -  Text  , Sound  (a wait)
Hutton, Bourbonnais & Co. #1 - s/n 2705
Built 11/10/1914 ~ 36" gauge ~ 8" x 8
" cylinders ~ 27˝"  drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near both the company's Hickory and George, North Carolina locations
Image credit: St. Louis Lumberman - page 99 - October 1, 1915

Imperial Peking-Kalgon Rwy #28 - s/n 2185 - destined for Peking, China
Built 09/14/1909 ~ Std. gauge ~ 15" x 17" cylinders ~ 40" drivers ~ 100 tons ~ 3 trucks

Photo credit: Locomotive Dictionary ~ page 196 ~ 1912 edition

Independence Logging Co. #1 - s/n 3233 - circa 1925
Built 09/28/1923 - Std. gauge -
13˝" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 80 tons - 3 trucks

The company's base of operations was Independence, Washington.
Photo credit: Clark Kinsey collection @ University of Washington Libraries 

Independence Logging Co. #3 - s/n 3276
Built 02/03/1925 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

The locomotive operated near Independence, Washington.  It was the company's second of two Shays to carry the #3 road number.  The first was s/n 2160. 
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID =  AR255-114-0-1_L-2830_1-2
Independent Coal & Coke Co. #1 - s/n 2955
Built 12/08/1918 - 42" gauge - 8
" x 10" cylinders - 27˝" drivers - 28 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near
Kenilworth, Utah 
Photo hosted by Don Strack's
Independent Coal & Coke Co. #2 - s/n 3132 ~ destined for Kenilworth, Utah
Built 10/22/1920 ~ 42" gauge ~ 8" x 10" cylinders ~ 27˝" drivers ~ 28 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2805_1-2
Inman-Poulsen Logging Co. #2 - s/n 1889
Built 02/09/1907 ~ 42" gauge ~ 10" x 12" cylinders ~
28" drivers ~ 33 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Eufaula, Washington
The photo is from the M. Lee collection
Inman-Poulsen Logging Co. #4 ~ s/n 2489 ~ near Kelso, Washington
Built 01/18/1912 ~ 42"
gauge ~ 10" x 10" cylinders ~ 29" drivers ~ 36 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1384
Inman-Poulsen Logging Co. #805 -  s/n 2957 - near Keasey, Oregon
Built 01/23/1918 - 42" gauge -
11" x 12" cylinders - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive was regauged to standard and renumbered to #805 from #5 before relocating to the company's Keasey location from Eufala, WA.
Insular Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 1964
Built 08/05/1907 ~ 42" gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 26˝" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, named "DOLLIVER", operated near Fabrica, Negros Occidental, Philippines
The photo is from the "" Flickr account.
Insular Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 2334 - near Fabrica, Negros Occidental, Philippines in 1974
Built 06/06/1910 ~ 42" gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 27˝" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The photo is from the Basil Roberts collection via "The International Steam Pages" website.
Insular Lumber Co. #5 - s/n 2759 destined for Fabrica, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Built 04/11/1914 ~ 42" gauge ~
10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29˝"  drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks
Insular Lumber Co. #8 - s/n 3309 destined for Fabrica, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Built 03/10/1927 ~ 42" gauge ~
10" x 12" cylinders ~ 29˝"  drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

Insular Lumber Co. #10 - s/n 2348
Built 12/31/1910 ~ 36" gauge ~ 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 27˝" drivers ~ 24 tons ~ 2 trucks

The company changed the gauge to 42" (shown) upon its acquisition from the previous owner.
As photographed, it was operating at Hinoba-an, Negros Occidental, Philippine Islands
Photo by Peter Nettleship via The International Steam Pages

Intermountain Coal & Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 918 near Putney, Kentucky in July, 1956
Built 08/30/1904  - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks
Intermountain Coal & Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 918 - Putney, Kentucky
Built 08/30/1904 - Std gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks 
Preserved at Biddeford, Maine

Photo from the Donald R. Hensley, Jr. collection with permission - ©2000    

Intermountain Railway #21 - s/n 2802
Built 11/12/1914 ~ Std gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 70 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Boise-Payette Lumber Co., operated near Emmett, Idaho

Photo credits:
> top       ~ published in Steam and Thunder in the Timber
> bottom ~The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2525
Intermountain Railway #22 - s/n 2783 - near Barber, Idaho in  5-30-1937
Built 07/17/1915 - Std gauge -
12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks 

The railway was owned by the Boise-Payette Lumber Co.

International Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 3259
Built 10/17/1925 ~ Std. gauge ~ 10"x12" cylinders ~ 29˝" drivers ~ 42 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive last operated near International Falls, Minnesota
The bottom three photos were taken at the fairgrounds in St. Paul, Minnesota.   They are hosted by the Minnesota Historical Society,

International Timber Co. #2 - s/n 2301 - @ Comox or Strathcona, (Vancouver Island) British Columbia, Canada  - circa 1926
Built 04/30/1910 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The photo is part of the BC Archives Collection hosted by the Royal BC Museum  ~ : Call Number: D-04862 

International Timber Co. #4 - s/n 3085 - destined for Campbell River on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Built 06/10/1920 - Std. gauge - 12" x 15" cylinders - 36" drivers - 70 tons - 3 trucks

Ione & Eastern Railway #2 ~ s/n 867
Built c. 03-1904 ~ Std. gauge ~ 12" x 15" cylinders ~  36" drivers ~ 65 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive, owned by
Charles Erickson (contractor), operated near Ione, California.
The photo is from the user "RRPHOTOGS" Collection
Iron City Railroad #1 - s/n 305
Built 08/11/1890 - 36" gauge - (2) 7" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 13 tons - 2 trucks - "boot" boiler

The locomotive, owned by the Iron City Lumber Co., operated near Iron City, Pennsylvania
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-1848     


Island Logging Co. Ltd. #2 - s/n 3228
Built 09/15/1923 ~ Std gauge ~ 11" x 12" cylinders ~ 32" drivers ~ 50 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the Canadian Puget Sound Lumber & Timber Co. Ltd.  operated near Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
The photo is from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania ~ Benjamin F. G. Kline, Jr. Collection ~ Negative #K1484 
Island Logging Co. Ltd. #3 ~ s/n 3313
Built 07/20/1927 ~ Std. gauge ~ 14˝" x 15" cylinders ~ 36" drivers ~ 90 tons ~ 3 trucks

The locomotive operated on Vancouver Island near Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
Ivanhoe & Carroll Railroad #2 - s/n 2119  near Ivanhoe, Virginia in 1925
Built 10/12/1908 - 36"gauge - (2) 7" x 12" cylinders -
26" drivers - 18 tons - 2 trucks

The railroad's parent company was the Ivanhoe Furnace Co. 
Jacksonville Railroad #343 - s/n 343
Built 04/27/1891 - Std. gauge - (2) 8
" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 15 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by Godley Brothers, operated near Meinhard, Georgia
Photo is from the Georgia Archives ~ University System of Georgia ~ Vanishing Georgia Collection ~ ID = ctm251

Jacobsen-Reid Lumber Co. #1 - s/n 372
Built 09/05
/1891 - 36" gauge - (2)7" x 12" cylinders - 26" drivers - 15 tons - 2 trucks - "boot" boiler

The locomotive operated near Rainier, Oregon
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-0113_1-3
James Brothers Lumber Co. #104 - s/n 104
Built 02/26
/1884 ~ 36" gauge ~ (2) 8" x 8" cylinders ~ 24" drivers ~ 11 tons ~ 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near Brookston, Pennsylvania.

Jefferson & Northwestern Railway Co. #104 - s/n 956  near Jefferson, Texas on November 12, 1932
Built 10/29/1904 - Std. gauge - 10" x 12
" cylinders - 28" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The railway's parent company was Clark & Boyce Lumber Company of Jefferson, Texas


Jennings & Northeastern Railroad #6 - s/n 778
Built 06/24
/1903 - 36" gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive, owned by the
Mitchell Brothers, operated near Jennings, Michigan
Photo from the C. T. Stoner collection.
Jennings & Northeastern Railroad #7 - s/n 501
Built 03/25/1896 - 36" gauge -
10" x 12" cylinders - 28" drivers - 33 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated at it's parent company's (Mitchell Brothers), Jennings, Michigan location.

Jennings & Northeastern Railroad #10 -   s/n 2125  near Cadillac, Michigan
Built 12-12
-1908 - 36" gauge - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 42 tons - 2 trucks

The railroad's parent company was Mitchell Brothers.     Mitchell Brothers #10
Jennings & Northeastern Railroad #195 - s/n 195 near Cadillac, Michigan
Built 12/26/1887 - 36" gauge -
8" x 8" cylinders - 26" drivers - 24 tons - 2 trucks

The railroad's parent company was Mitchell Brothers.


Jerseyfield Lumber Co. #2 - s/n 974 - near Conifer, New York on 9-27-1938
Built 01/25/1905 - Std gauge -
14" x 12" cylinders - 35" drivers - 75 tons - 3 trucks 

Photo courtesy of the Marc Reusser collection.

Joe Creek Shingle Co. #1 - s/n 1743
Built 08/27/1906 - 36" gauge - (2) 6" x 10" cylinders - 22" drivers - 10 tons - 2 trucks  

The locomotive operated near Aloha, Washington
The photo is from the Washington State Archives ~ John T. Labbe Collection ~ ID = AR255-114-0-1_L-2325

Johnson, C. D.,   Lumber Co. #4 - s/n 3208 @ mill in Toledo, Oregon in 1947
Built 04/10/1923 - Std gauge - 11" x 12
" cylinders  - 32" drivers - 50 tons - 2 trucks

Johnson-Deane Lumber Co. #928 - s/n 928
Built 09/20/1904 - Std. - 10" x 12" cylinders - 29˝" drivers - 37 tons - 2 trucks

The locomotive operated near the company's  Robe, Washington location.
Photos hosted by the Granite  Falls Historical Museum of Granite Falls, Washington

Jones, S. A. & Son - s/n 174
Built 05/05/1887 ~ 36"
gauge ~ (2) 7" x 12" cylinders ~ 26" drivers ~ 13 tons ~ 2 trucks
The locomotive had a "boot" boiler and is running on wood rails in the photo.

The locomotive operated near Columbia, Mississippi
The photo is from the Marion County Historical Society, Mississippi
Josserand Brothers ~ s/n unknown
Built ?? ~ 36" gauge ~ ?? cylinders ~ ?? drivers ~ ?? tons ~ 2 trucks ~ Class A ~ vertical boiler

The locomotive, named "Maggie",  operated for the brothers, Frank & Peter, on wooden rails near
Josserand, Texas.
The photo was published in East Texas Logging Railroads

1.Data and/or s/n provided courtesy of Dan Rowe of the Dripping Springs Locomotive Works

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